Beowulf - I need your help! Hey Everyone, I have an assignment for an English Literature class. I must write 6 pages regarding the clothing & weapons people used, all based off of only Beowulf. The 3,182-line epic poem 'Beowulf' is considered by many to be the first piece of English literature. Examining the history of this poem of monsters, battles, and heroic deeds can teach us a lot. Because of its complicated origin, Beowulf has elements of both pagan Germanic culture and Christianity. The story of Beowulf probably originated as an oral tradition sometime in the 7th century. But the only surviving manuscript of Beowulf was written in the 11th century by Christian scribes, who either inserted the Christian overtones to the.
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Beowulf Projects – Worth 100 Points
Directions: Choose one of the project ideas listed below.Research and design a classroom presentation that reflects the knowledge gained by reading Beowulf and studying the Anglo-Saxons.Some projects may be completed as an individual assignment, others require a group, and some could be completed either way.You must decide what your strengths are and choose a project that will help you to succeed.
1.Construct a Model of Herot – Individual Assignment

Create a floor plan and/or 3-D model of Herot.I will look to see that details from the text have been included, so read carefully.When presenting to the class, be able to tell us what elements in the poem (provide lines) can be seen in your reconstruction.
2.Beowulf with Puppets – Group Assignment (3 members)
Reenact the epic poem using puppets created by the group members.You will also need some sort of “stage” area for the puppet show.The show must not exceed five minutes in length.I will look to see that all major events from the Beowulf plot have been included.The group must also provide a copy of the script used for the class presentation.I must know in advance which group member is responsible for set, puppets, and script.All members must serve as “fact checkers” to ensure that the plot is covered!
3.Reenacting Beowulf’s Battles – Group Assignment (2 members)
For this project you and a partner will reenact two of Beowulf’s epic battles mentioned in the poem: Beowulf vs. Grendel; Beowulf vs. Grendel’s Mother; and/or Beowulf vs. the Dragon.I will check to see that elements from the plot have been included, so read carefully!The battle will be reenacted as part of the classroom presentation.Actors should be in costume and have a script prepared.However, lines should be memorized.The script will be a reference for the teacher!
4.Beowulf Film – Group Assignment (3 members)
Beowulf Projectmac's Literature Classes List
For this project your group will recreate the story of Beowulf by filming your own version!Basic plot elements must be included.Props must be used when necessary, and costumes are expected.This version of the story may be modernized!The film should not exceed five minutes in length. A script should be turned in on the day of the presentation as a guide for the teacher.
5.Beowulf’s Ship – Individual Assignment
Research Viking ships and carefully read the section of the poem that discusses Beowulf’s voyage to Herot.After gathering information, create a representation (drawing, painting, or model) of the Geats’ ship.Be prepared to discuss the knowledge used to create your masterpiece when presenting to the class.
6.Beowulf Talk Show – Group Assignment (3 members)

Develop a talk show segment or interview with Grendel’s mother that discusses her point of view after the loss of her son and reasons why she chose to attack Herot and Beowulf.This may be modernized to a present-day setting, but major plot elements must remain intact.A script should be given to the teacher on the day of the presentation.The segment should not exceed five minutes.Not all members are required to act in the skit, but all members must share responsibilities assigned.Lines should be memorized, and costumes are expected for the actors!
7.Monster Art – Individual Assignment
Create an artistic depiction of Grendel, Grendel’s Mother, and/or the Dragon.Use knowledge gained from the text and further research.Be prepared to discuss the knowledge used to create your masterpiece when presenting to the class.
8.Beowulf Timeline – Individual Assignment
As you read, create an illustrated timeline of events in the poem.At least ten events should be included.Also, you will need to have a list of character names and descriptions included as a “key” for the timeline.
9.Beowulf Comic Book – Individual or Group Assignment (2 members)
Create a comic book that depicts the story of Beowulf.Include all major plot elements.You may use an online comic strip generator like or but be sure that you are creating an original product.You may also illustrate a comic by hand!Your comic book must include at least a cover, two pages of comic strips and a back cover.
10.A Feast Fit for Beowulf – Individual or Group Assignment (2 members)
Research Anglo-Saxon foods, dining customs, and feasts.After gathering information prepare a dish or two to share with the class.Be prepared to discuss some facts that you learned while researching information for your food selection.Food must be an accurate depiction of Anglo-Saxon origin.However, some ingredients may be substituted if necessary.Websites like,,and/or have recipes and dining customs.Students must also prepare a “recipe card” for each member of the class.Meals must be ready to eat upon arrival!
11.Old English Rap – Individual Assignment

Research the pronunciation of Old English language and create a rap song of the introduction of Beowulf.You must record your rap or perform in class.I will be listening to see that your pronunciation is accurate.Check out these websites for ideas and more information:
12.Beowulf Parody and Music Video – Individual or Group Assignment (2 members)
Take a popular song and re-write the lyrics to create a song about Beowulf and his epic battles.After writing the lyrics, record a music video to go along with your performance!You must have a copy of your original lyrics to provide to the class.The music video must not exceed five minutes in length.
13.Beowulf Website – Individual or Group Assignment (2 members)
Beowulf Projectmac's Literature Classes Online
Create a Google website that is all about Beowulf.Included in your site there should be a description of all characters, history of Anglo-Saxon culture, vocabulary from the story, a plot summary (in your OWN words), lots of pictures, at least ten links to other websites for further research, quotation analysis, resources used, and a reflection about what you learned from creating the site.Spelling and grammar count!Your presentation will consist of explaining the process of creating this original site.
14.Beowulf Board Game – Individual Assignment
Beowulf Projectmac's Literature Classes For Beginners

Create an original game based on Beowulf’s characters and events.Your game should include playing pieces, a clear set of instructions, and some sort of board. When people play the board game, they should learn and understand what transpires in the story; for instance, when players draw cards that direct their next move, the cards instruct them to perform an action that happens in the story.